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Choosing the Perfect Hair Cutting Shears in 2017

Generally speaking, when one has to pick the perfect professional hair cutting shears, it depends on the hair cutting style of the hair artist. But as we all very well know, generalizing in this respect isn’t the best thing to do. So here are the shear makers whose end products you should look into when buying professional hair cutting shears in 2017:


Experts in the field always recommend that hair artists and hairdressers go for shears that are folded and made with cobalt steel or steel whose hardness is between 420 and 450. iShears collection has you covered because their shears abundantly contain all the features that are recommended by the experts. iShears has a decade of experienced in the shear manufacturing industry and they have only recently stepped in the shear selling arena.
Their durable, stylish and ergonomic hair cutting shears are fairly priced and the deals are too good to pass by. One needn’t worry about the life of shears as the company offers a lifetime warranty. Their high-end shears are perfect for any type of hair cutting.

Washi Shears

Washi shears are famous for unique designs, they are shears of choice for professional hair dressers that want to add some flash to their collection. The prices are right in the middle of the market leaders and the quality of shears is also among the best. But some do consider that the overly intricate designs can be a hindrance when working on a long hairstyle. They can be irksome when used continuously for a period, nonetheless the quality and design of the shears are pretty good.

Hattori Hanzo

Relatively new in the business, Hattori has made a name for themselves in a short time. They have accomplished this by staying plugged in to the digital pulse of the hair dressers and hair artists; building an online community along the way. Their shears are marketed as high end and they do meet the standards wholly. A drawback of Hattori shears is that they don’t have that unique stamp that most hair artists are looking for. But if you want reliable and quality shears, Hattori is one of the best in the business.


Kenchii features one of the most exclusive shear collection in the online market. The magnificent designs are eye catching and the folded steel is the perfect metal to ensure the long life of the shears. The only thing is, the prices of the shears are way too high. If you can afford to buy them, Kenchii shears will be a valuable addition to your collection.

There you have it, the best 4 hair cutting shear sellers in the market. You can go and browse their collection and see what’s what. The decision you make will stay with you for a while because professional shears are a big investment, one that you can’t make often. So make the wisest choice possible and pick shears that have all the qualities that you require.


  1. i always prefer to good quality scissor and i have an idea about shears. Appreciate you for this post. Barber Scissors set


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